I always like doing these jobs because they almost always look better after the repair than they did when they were new.

Some closer shots of the head lugs, you can see the tube has completely pulled away from the down tube lug. After pulling the tubes out, I found that the whole bottom spoon area of this lug was charcoaled and had no braze whatsoever.

The tubes are out and I've cleaned up the seat tube and bottom bracket sockets. Now I just need to miter my front end tubes and clean up the head lugs.

And now I've got the tubes mitered up.

Post braze, pre soak.
After some quality time with the files and emery it's read to see the road, (or track) again.

The lug edges are nice and crisp now. Just how I like em.
Below is a nice before and after of the seat lug. The profile of the lug is a bit off before, (understatement), I tightened it up a bit, and while I was at it I tried to even up the keyhole at the bottom of the seat post slot.
Saving those lugs was a feat in and of itself. Beautiful work!
Fantastic work Dave and well worth doing too, saving a beautiful old bike. Bravo!
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