Shoulda' taken a photo when I was leaving
Wi, but I was a bit harried and just looking to get in the car and go. Left about 11:30 in the morning on Wed., (the 18
th), so I was a bit worried about the traffic going through Chicago, but it turned out to be pretty easy going and I made good time all the way through Indiana and Ohio. I thought about trying to do the whole trip in one day, but I always underestimate how huge NY is. I got to Erie, Pa about 9:00pm and I saw that I was just past halfway on the mileage, time to get a motel room!
Well, that brings me to the first photo, the Honda, all packed up on Thurs. morning, ready to keep heading east.

I got in on Thurs. at about 3:00pm and hooked up with an old friend from my racing days, Karl. Turns out he lives less than a mile from my folks new condo in Schenectady! We headed out for a nice 30 something mile jaunt and got caught up on what we've been up to the last 10 years or so. Hard to believe I've been in Wisconsin that long!
Friday was a big day of helping my folks with some woodworking and jobs around the house. Henrik got in just in time for dinner and we
carbo loaded in anticipation of D2R2 the next day.
Here we are at the start line in
Deerfield. On the left is Chris, looking awfully chipper and ready to go, and on the right is Henrik, (in his Ellis kit), and Bill. Bill turned me on to the D2R2 at Cirque this past summer. I had just returned from the Saturday's "Rustic Ride" around some of the beautiful Virginia dirt roads and he mentioned that if I liked that, I should check out the
Deerfield ride.

Chris, still looking good on his Ahearn 29'er on the early hills! Lots of comments on the cool titanium spork that's bolted onto the head tube.
OK, my attempt at a self portrait. I always think I look goofy in these and especially since I'm wearing my $10
REI "backup" sunglasses. They never sit straight on my face, but good to have when you forget the nice ones at home.

I pulled a bit ahead of Henrik on the last climb before lunch just enough to get this nice shot of him muscling up the last few yards of the climb.

The lunch stop was at a beautiful covered bridge and wooden dam. It was pretty well swarmed with cyclists!

The dam.

After lunch Chris was having some trouble with leg cramps, so here he is
desperately trying to open some electrolyte tablets to ease his pain.
Henrik checked the cue sheet one last time to make sure we knew where we're going. Turns out a large group caught us just after the stop, so we could just sit in and follow everyone else.

We got a bit split up in the final miles, but everyone made it home OK, just not looking quite as chipper! In fact, Chris looks like he's seeing through time and space in this shot. Some food and drink helped get everyone feeling better.

Finally, just so you don't think I've stopped building entirely, some shots of Tom's
rando frame. Started before I left for D2R2, and finished just yesterday and off to paint.

Some of Ritchie's Rene Singer lugs, for some reason they just look "right" on a
rando frame.

The seat lug with some gently wrapped points on the stays.

Now, I just have to get ready for this weekend's Cream City Century! It's on Sunday the 29th, and we'll be having an open house with tours of the shop after the ride. I'm planning on trying the 100, but if it seems to be going long, I'll probably take a shortcut home so I can be ready for folks to show up around 12:00 noon. Hope to see you there!
Ellis Cycles
500 Racine St.
Waterford, WI 53185